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Taxonomy Term : Tqm

Six sigma seen as a methodology for total quality management


Six sigma programs are raging through corporations worldwide, with some corporations citing savings in the $US billions resulting from six sigma implementation. Six sigma has both proponents and detractors with some arguing that nothing new is involved and others identifying it as revolutionary. The view espoused herein argues for six sigma as a methodology within the larger framework of total quality management – a blend of old and new in the sense that the tools of six sigma are often familiar ones, but are applied with an eye that is more strategically focused than historic use of those tools ordinarily indicates.

Significance of project management performance assessment (PMPA) model


Bryde (Bryde JD. Modelling project management performance. Int J Quality Reliab Manage 2003;20(2):229–25) has presented project management performance assessment (PMPA) model. The model proposes six criteria for assessing PM performance; based upon the EFQM business excellence model. This paper examines what is the level of impact of these criteria over the project management performance (PMP) in Pakistani listed organizations. This paper also examine the scope of the association within different criteria of project management performance assessment (PMPA) model and with project management performance (PMP) in the Pakistani listed organizations and whether this association is significant, furthermore it investigate that to which extent different characteristics of PM performance, correlate with each other and with project management performance (PMP). It is concluded that the PMPA model have a potential use as framework to assess the project management performance, by conducting empirical study and checking the impact, correlation and association of the criteria of PMPA model and PMP.

Quality management and job satisfaction: an empirical study


Reports on the results of a survey of 220 front-line supervisors in Hong Kong using the job descriptive index (JDI) to investigate the perceived impact of total quality management (TQM) programmes on job satisfaction. Shows that the respondents were much less satisfied with the work dimension than with other JDI dimensions such as supervision and co-workers. TQM programmes seemed to have no impact on pay and promotion. The respondents perceived that the TQM programmes had led to a variety of changes which made their jobs more demanding, requiring greater individual skill and accuracy, but did not make their jobs more interesting and important. Discusses significance of these findings in the context of the need to provide employee satisfaction in total quality management.

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