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Taxonomy Term : Models

Significance of project management performance assessment (PMPA) model


Bryde (Bryde JD. Modelling project management performance. Int J Quality Reliab Manage 2003;20(2):229–25) has presented project management performance assessment (PMPA) model. The model proposes six criteria for assessing PM performance; based upon the EFQM business excellence model. This paper examines what is the level of impact of these criteria over the project management performance (PMP) in Pakistani listed organizations. This paper also examine the scope of the association within different criteria of project management performance assessment (PMPA) model and with project management performance (PMP) in the Pakistani listed organizations and whether this association is significant, furthermore it investigate that to which extent different characteristics of PM performance, correlate with each other and with project management performance (PMP). It is concluded that the PMPA model have a potential use as framework to assess the project management performance, by conducting empirical study and checking the impact, correlation and association of the criteria of PMPA model and PMP.

Markets vs. management: what 'drives' profitability?


This study addresses the issue of the relative degree of variance in ROA accounted for by industry, corporate, and SBU effects while controlling for the business cycle and the interaction between the business cycle and industry. Two key articles, Schmalensee (1985) and Rumelt (1991), are discussed in detail. Research results on a recent data base (COMPUSTAT), using variance components analysis (VARCOMP) are presented that not only confirm most of the Rumelt (1991) findings, but also suggest the existence of a corporate effect, heretofore undetected.

Beyond Tyler and Taba Reconceptualizing the Curriculum Process


This paper recommends a holistic curriculum, conceived and created without the direction of pre-established rules, responsive to the conditions of constant change and unpredictability, accepting the notion of emergence, and inviting synthesis rather than fragmentation of thinking. (SM)

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