Library Operating Hours for Thursday, 4 July 2024 : 8.00AM - 6.00PM
The Library Wall
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Klinik Maklumat Perpustakaan (KMP) adalah program perkhidmatan bimbingan dan pendidikan kepada pelanggan perpustakaan di Kampus Utama Open University Malaysia, Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. Matlamat utama adalah untuk membina kemahiran mengakses pelbagai bahan dan sumber maklumat secara berkesan serta membimbing pelanggan supaya mampu mengguna bahan dan perkhidmatan Perpustakaan dengan cekap, berkesan dan berdikari. KMP dijalankan secara berterusan dan ditawarkan kepada semua pelajar dan kakitangan OUM. Klinik ini dijalankan dalam kaedah temujanji atau ‘walk in’.

Waktu perkhidmatan KMP adalah mengikut waktu operasi perpustakaan. Setiap sesi adalah selama 30 minit. Anda akan dibantu oleh pustakawan profesional.

Sesi pertama akan bermula pada 8hb Mei 2012.  Sila emailkan temujanji anda kepada mhafiz [at] oum [dot] edu [dot] my atau datang terus ke kaunter perpustakaan untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan ini.

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Dear Valued Patrons

We are happy to inform you that Emerald Management Plus is now available for mobile device.

Our new mobile site is specifically designed for use on any mobile device with a web browser, including Apple iOS, Android, Blackberry and other platforms.

Recognizing that access time to content is extremely important for all researchers, the site can also be used on any desktop web browser as a stripped-down route to Emerald content.

Within the mobile-ready Emerald website you will find all of our journal and book content. Standard document delivery options are available – including ePUB options for selected content – plus marked list functionality. Why not also use our built-in social media tools to share content with your colleagues and peers?


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Dear Valued Patrons

Please be informed that all Past Year Questions before the last 2 semesters have been removed due to the new policy approved by the management. For enquiries, please contact Assessment & Examination Department at 03-2773-2002.

Dimaklumkan bahawa mulai semester Januari 2012, hanya dua (2) set soalan peperiksaan untuk setiap kursus bagi dua semester yang terakhir akan dipaparkan di portal myLibrary.

Keputusan di atas yang diluluskan oleh Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Akademik Universiti 3/2012 pada 13 Februari 2012, bertujuan memastikan soalan peperiksaan dapat digunakan untuk bank soalan yang kini giat dibangunkan oleh OUM.

Pihak OUM berharap para pelajar faham akan sebab bagi keputusan di atas dan kami memohon maaf atas segala kesulitan yang dihadapi.


Terima kasih.

Unit Penilaian dan Peperiksaan 

Mac 2012 


The Library Management

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Good Evening and Salam

Finally, patrons may download Books from Ebrary Electronic Books. However, please be informed that some of the titles may not be downloaded at all. This restriction is imposed by the Publishers themselves.

Head here to find out more: OVERVIEW of download options (start here!)

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Dear Patrons

The Library has new search function to enhance your search experience. This new search function will let you explore our collection by applying multiple filters on the fly, without redoing the entire search process. Let us introduce you to the new OUM Digital Library Faceted Search.

Go ahead and try our Faceted Search



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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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