Library Operating Hours for Wednesday, 3 July 2024 : 8.00AM - 6.00PM
Taxonomy Term : Open Distance Learning (ODL)

There's no secret to success

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The Star Online
15 May 2012
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Not wanting to be overly dependent on his family, Hafisz started his venture all by himself

Persidangan ICI12 erat kerjasama OUM, IPT luar negara

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Berita Harian
16 April 2012
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Bila semua penduduk dunia mempunyai akses kepada internet, mereka boleh dapat pengetahuan secara percuma

Expanding the boundaries of learning

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New Sunday Times
15 April 2012
News Summary
The fact is that educators are leveraging heavily on technology to make knowledge unlimited, with particular focus on mobile technology, and the conference is a focal point in exchanging ideas and developments."

Sister power on display at OUM

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New Sunday Times
01 April 2012
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"After doing a bit of research, Marlina felt that Open University Malaysia (OUM) was the best place for study, as she could work and study at the sama time.

Disabled learner gets chance to succeed at OUM

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New Sunday Times
18 March 2012
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He wants to show others that physically-disadvantaged children in never to be ashamed of their disability.

A successful learning experience in an online learning environment

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New Straits Times
15 March 2012
News Summary
One of the main challenges faced by educators is that their students are often more technologically savvy than they are. The only way around this is to go for training that would up their skills level in this area and the MIDT is one route that educators can think about in enhancing their technology skills.

OUM penuhi permintaan tenaga penjagaan kecemasan pra hospital

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Berita Harian
07 November 2011
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Melalui latihan di bilik kemahiran klinikal, para pelajar akan akan didedahkan dalam semua aspek penjagaan bermula daripada prosedur yang asas kepada prosedur yang lebih rumit seperti penjagaan pesakit di unit rawatan intensif.

OUM upholds virtues of lifelong learning

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New Sunday Times
06 November 2011
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"Lifelong learning will provide Malaysians the opportunity to learn new competencies and upgrade existing skills that can improve their financial and social well-being.

Pioneering flexibility in learning

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New Sunday Times
15 January 2012
News Summary
"That led us to change our own modus operandi from clinging on to the prescribed academic qualification requirements to a more permissive environment in order to give those who are capable of pursuing an education the chance. There are many ways of determining if someone is capable-meaning we should not be bound solely by grades."

Kemasukan fleksibel sinergi kekuatan OUM

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Berita Minggu
14 August 2011
News Summary
"Perkembangan OUM sejak penubuhan sepuluh tahun yang lepas memanglah menakjubkan. OUM terbukti mampu menjadi pemangkin dalam usaha melahirkan generasi berilmu pada depan ekoran prestasi program-program di bawah kendaliannya yang terbukti praktikal dan mesra pelajar."

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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