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Taxonomy Term : E-learning

Some Challenges in Designing and Implementing Learning Material for Ubiquitous E-learning Environment

Authorship Details
Shalabh Agarwal
Asoke Nath
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Feb 2011
Publication Title: 
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science
Issue or Number: 

In the present work we have made a systematic study on various issues and challenges in ubiquitous teaching learning methodology.
Due to massive development in IT the entire teaching learning process has been changed. The open learning and distance education
methodology has drastically changed the teacher student relationship. In open learning system there is no fixed class room concept. The
teaching learning process is now transformed towards student centric rather than teacher centric. The new challenge has come i.e. how to
prepare learning material appropriate for ubiquitous learning environment. A thorough revision is required for preparing learning material for
ubiquitous environment. The present work shows us the different methods used in ubiquitous learning environment and also its merits and demerits. (Authors' abstract)

A key step to understanding paradigm shifts in e-learning: towards context-aware ubiquitous learning.

Authorship Details
Liu, Gi-Zen
Hwang, Gwo-Jen
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Mar 2010
Publication Title: 
British Journal of Educational Technology
Issue or Number: 

The article discusses the island of development of context-aware ubiquitous learning (u-learning), which allows users to learn and interact with sensors and radio frequency identification embedded objects, as part of its government-funded national electronic learning research. The theoretical and practical similarities and differences among traditional electronic learning, mobile learning, and context-aware u-learning are explored. An example of a a context-aware u-learning environment is presented to demonstrate how it can be used in the classroom.

e-ASEM white paper : e-learning for lifelong learning

Authorship Details
Bowon Kom (Ed. in Chief)
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Leaning

Open Learning

Authorship Details
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Publication Title: 
Open Learning

This is a leading international journal in the field of open, flexible and distance learning. Open Learning is widely subscribed to and read throughout the world by those in specialist distance education institutions, and also by those using distance, flexible and technology based forms of learning in conventional education and training contexts. Readers are drawn from all levels of education and training both in the private and public sectors and from academic, administrative and technical functions.

02/01/1999 to present (with a 24 Month delay) ; Full text delay due to publisher restrictions ("embargo")

The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing e-Learning Services

Authorship Details
Lee Stayton
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Mar 2011
Publication Title: 
eLearn magazine

Successful e-learning projects require money and resources whether completed internally or externally. You might believe your internal subject matter expert armed with the latest software could produce award-winning content for a fraction of a vendor's price, but there is more to consider than the price tag. By carefully selecting the right projects to outsource, you will reap the benefits of successful outsourcing: flexible capacity, increased throughput, access to "extreme" talents, low or no overhead, and exposure to new processes or perspectives.

Mobile learning in teacher training

Authorship Details
Seppälä, P
Alamäki, H.
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Sept 2003
Publication Title: 
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Issue or Number: 

This paper describes a mobile learning project, where mobile devices are used for educational activities. The main focus of this paper is teacher training. Experiences on the use of mobile technology and how it was used in teacher training, especially how trainees and supervising teachers felt about it, are presented. The pilot study was carried out at the Department of Home Economics and Craft Science in University of Helsinki. The idea of the pilot was that the supervising teacher and trainee students could discus and share their ideas about teaching methods through the mobile device and use of a short message service (SMS) and digital pictures as a part of the supervising process. The use of digital pictures which were delivered via the mobile device proved to be surprisingly successful. The goal of these innovative pilot projects is to create flexible teaching solutions, which will enable access to information using different devices, and support learning in a variety of situations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Available in Tan Sri Dr Abdullah Sanusi Digital Library's Online Database.

Mobile Learning projects – a critical analysis of the state of the art

Authorship Details
Frohberg, D
Göth, C
Schwabe, G.
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Aug 2005
Publication Title: 
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

This paper provides a critical analysis of Mobile Learning projects published before the end of 2007. The review uses a Mobile Learning framework to evaluate and categorize 102 Mobile Learning projects, and to briefly introduce exemplary projects for each category. All projects were analysed with the criteria: context, tools, control, communication, subject and objective. Although a significant number of projects have ventured to incorporate the physical context into the learning experience, few projects include a socializing context. Tool support ranges from pure content delivery to content construction by the learners. Although few projects explicitly discuss the Mobile Learning control issues, one can find all approaches from pure teacher control to learner control. Despite the fact that mobile phones initially started as a communication device, communication and collaboration play a surprisingly small role in Mobile Learning projects. Most Mobile Learning projects support novices, although one might argue that the largest potential is supporting advanced learners. All results show the design space and reveal gaps in Mobile Learning research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Assessment in Accelerated Learning Programs: A Practical Guide

Authorship Details
Walvoord, Barbara E.
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Publication Title: 
New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education
Issue or Number: 

Focuses on the importance of assessment in accelerated learning. Prerequisites of research questions; Importance of choice of an instrument to evaluate student performance; Improvement of the program on the basis of assessment information.

Assessing participant learning in online environments

Authorship Details
Benson, Angela D
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Winter 2003
Publication Title: 
New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education
John Wiley & Sons
Issue or Number: 

Assessing participant learning in online environments provides benefits and challenges. Fortunately, the available technology tools allow for a wide range of assessment techniques. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

What strategies are effective for formative assessment in an e-learning environment?

Authorship Details
Wang, T.H.
Publication Details
Resource Type: 
Publication Date: 
Jun 2007
Publication Title: 
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

The web-based formative assessment developed in this research is named Formative Assessment Module of the Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis System (FAM-WATA). FAM-WATA is a multiple-choice web-based formative assessment module containing six effective strategies: ‘repeat the test’, ‘correct answers are not given’, ‘query scores’, ‘ask questions’, ‘monitor answering history’, and ‘all pass and then reward’. This research explored the effectiveness of FAM-WATA, cognitive styles and e-learning, and student attitudes towards the six strategies of FAM-WATA. A total of 503 seventh-grade students in central Taiwan were valid in this research. Overall results indicated that students displayed a positive attitude towards the six strategies of FAM-WATA. In addition, results also showed that students in an e-learning environment equipped with FAM-WATA achieved better learning effectiveness, and that field independent students appeared to make better use of FAM-WATA strategies than field dependent students. This research concluded that FAM-WATA benefited student learning in an e-learning environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR].

Available at Tan Sri Dr Abdullah Sanusi Digital Library's Online Database.

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