Library Operating Hours for Monday, 1 July 2024 : 8.00AM - 6.00PM
Taxonomy Term : Multimedia

The web and its journalisms: considering the consequences of different types of newsmedia online


The internet – specifically its graphic interface, the world wide web – has had a major impact on all levels of (information) societies throughout the world. Specifically for journalism as it is practiced online, we can now identify the effect that this has had on the profession and its culture(s). This article defines four particular types of online journalism and discusses them in terms of key characteristics of online publishing – hypertextuality, interactivity, multimediality – and considers the current and potential impacts that these online journalisms can have on the ways in which one can define journalism as it functions in elective democracies worldwide. It is
argued that the application of particular online characteristics not only has consequences for the type of journalism produced on the web, but that these characteristics and online journalism indeed connect to broader and more profound changes and redefinitions of professional journalism and its (news) culture as a whole.

Malaysian Smart School – Vision Vs. Reality


The Smart School Project is one of the flagships of the Multimedia Super Corridor. The Malaysian government has established partnerships with the private sector through the Concept Request for Proposals (CRFP) process. This paper will critically analyze the concept of Smart School in the Malaysian environment and look into the issues relating to implementation of this concept as per the vision of the Ministry of Education Malaysia. The paper will go further to provide empirical proof with regards to the mind set and the response to the Teaching-Learning component of the Smart School Concept, from the view point of in service teachers.

Using video and static pictures to improve learning of procedural contents


Animations and videos are often designed to present information that involves change over time, in such a way as to aid understanding and facilitate learning. However, in many studies, static displays have been found to be just as beneficial and sometimes better. In this study, we investigated the impact of presenting together both a video recording and a series of static pictures. In experiment 1, we compared 3 conditions (1) video shown alone, (2) static pictures displayed alone, and (3) video plus static pictures. On average the best learning scores were found for the 3rd condition. In experiment 2 we investigated how best to present the static pictures, by examining the number of pictures required (low vs. high frequency) and their appearance type (static vs. dynamic). We found that the dynamic presentation of pictures was superior to the static pictures mode; and showing fewer pictures (low frequency) was more beneficial. Overall the findings support the effectiveness of a combination of instructional animation with static pictures. However, the number of static pictures, which are used, is an important moderating factor.

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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