Library Operating Hours for Wednesday, 3 July 2024 : 8.00AM - 6.00PM
Searching for electronic books (e-books)

Please follow this simple guide to search e-books from our catalogue. Click at the image followed by ‘original’ link for better & bigger image view.

  1. From myVLE, click DIGITAL LIBRARY icon  to go to the Library portal.
  2. Click the “Search Library” button on the Library left side-bar. You will be taken to library catalogue page.

  3. At search terms column, insert any keyword such as “online learning”. To search for e-books, make sure tab named “FULLTEXT ONLY ” is selected.


4. List of related sources will appear. Choose “Books” under Source Type heading.

 5. All e-books on related topic will appear. Item Location - Online, show that the book is e-book. To open the e-book, click at title of the book .









6.Scroll down and click at REMOTE ACCESS to open the particular e-book.









7. Click at READ ONLINE and then CHAPTER DOWNLOAD icon to save the books by chapter or by selected pages.

Copyright© Library, OUM 2013, All Rights Reserved
Latest updated: 13th April 2014

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