Persuasive mobile technology : exploring the potential text messages for influencing attitudes and behaviours (A PowerPoint presentation)

Lim , Tina Swee Kim and Mansor Fadzil, and Wei , Wen Shyang (2011) Persuasive mobile technology : exploring the potential text messages for influencing attitudes and behaviours (A PowerPoint presentation). In: -. (Submitted)

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Contemporary communication technologies offer far greater potential than what meets the eye. This is particularly so in regard to mobile technology: the anytime, anywhere technology. If previously under normal circumstances, the mobile phone is used in its simplest function to deliver messages or to communicate between two parties, it is now seen as possessing tremendous potential in influencing attitudes, behavior and motivation when presented at the kairos or opportune moment. Hence the term ‘persuasive technology’ was introduced. This paper aims to discuss ways in which the use of mobile technology has been explored in the recent years to deliver ‘just-in-time information at points of decision and behavior’ (Intille, 2004). It seeks to examine how one might ‘design with intent’ (Lockton, Harrison & Holley, 2009), that is, how to capitalize on the latent power of mobile technology to help people change, along with the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of doing so. (Abstract by authors).

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mobile learning, persuasive technology, mobile technology
Subjects: L Education > LC Special aspects of education > LC5800 Distance education
Divisions: Insitute of Quality, Innovation and Research
Depositing User: Shahril Effendi Ibrahim
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2012 01:28
Last Modified: 25 Mar 2012 01:29

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