A Comparative Study on Learner's Performance: A Collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat Malaysia (KTD) (Abstract only)

Nur Azlin Omar, and Chiam , Chooi Chea (2011) A Comparative Study on Learner's Performance: A Collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat Malaysia (KTD) (Abstract only). In: International Conference on Learner Diversity 2010, 19-20 October 2010, Bangi Equatorial Hotel, Bangi. (Submitted)

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The collaboration between Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Kolej Tentera Darat (KTD), an army college started since 2002. OUM held strongly on the believe of lifelong learning and this collaboration are able to provide education opportunities to those who missed their earlier chances in pursuing higher education. The purposes of this study are: 1) to do a descriptive study on the learner's performance and 2) to determine the impact of conducting different approach in teaching and learning system. The outcome of this study will be able to show the different approaches of teaching and learning in strategic collaborations.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: In abstract only.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Open and distance learning (ODL); Lifelong learning; Strategic collaboration; Teaching delivery; Assessment format
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LC Special aspects of education > LC5800 Distance education
Divisions: Faculty of Business and Management
Depositing User: Shahril Effendi Ibrahim
Date Deposited: 21 Oct 2011 06:50
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2014 02:08
URI: http://library.oum.edu.my/repository/id/eprint/614

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