The implementation of reusable learning object : realizing the entrepreneurship of Open University Malaysia

Kaur, Abtar and Halimatolhanin, Mohd Khalid and Ho, Yu-Jin, Kenneth (2004) The implementation of reusable learning object : realizing the entrepreneurship of Open University Malaysia. In: SEAAIR 2004 China Conference , 21-23 September 2004, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China. (Submitted)

TheImplementationOfReusableLearningObjects-RealisingTheEntrepreneurshipOfOpenUniversityMalaysia[AbtarKau.pdf - Published Version

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The design of reusable templates and learning objects is one way of reducing costs while concurrently improving the pedagogical aspects of open and distance learning at Open University Malaysia (OUM). Producing reusable learning objects has given the University an edge on competitiveness and entrepreneurship OUM have successfully designed a unique model that 1s suitable and practical for its own needs. An action research related to the design and development of learning objects was conducted with Deans Academic Staff (who are also Subject Matter Expert), and the production team which includes among others the Project Manager, instructional Designer Multimedia Programmer and Graphic Designer. This paper is about realizing the implementation of reusable learning objects It delves into the practical workings and processes involved during the direct hands-on development of learnlng objects and identifies key areas and critical success factors which determine the practicality and cost-effectiveness of learning object development. It also highlights the crucial involvement and cooperation from all the parties involved, which include the policy makers, academic staff as well as the design and development team. The results show that reusabll~tyo f the learnlng objects will become the key word for the enhancement of entrepreneurship in higher education in institutions like the OUM. The impact of the reusable e-learning materials on the betterment of entrepreneurship of the university is highly important. This paper raises questions on whether the approaches explored in using reusable leaming objects project is cost effective for OUM to become an entrepreneurial university.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Reusable templates
Subjects: L Education > LC Special aspects of education > LC5201 Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education
Depositing User: Shahril Effendi Ibrahim
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2009 03:50
Last Modified: 15 May 2013 03:57

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