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List of Theses, Dissertations and Masters Project

Title Statement Year
A study of relationships between job satisfactions and performance among workers in a non-profit organization - Saadiah Saad. 2006.
Factors contributing towards brand loyalty : a local benchmarking study of paid national English dailies - Roshan Lal Tirath Ram. 2006.
Internal factors for corporate entreprenuership, and the relationship with job satisfaction : a comparison of Japanese and a Western based companies in Malaysia 2006.
Employee involvement in decision making - Suen Sau Chun. 2007.
Interpersonal conflicts and its management in information system development at Kertih Integrated Petrochemical Complex (KIPC) Kerteh Terengganu - Huzir Sulaiman. 2006.
A job satisfaction among the employees at Redang Mutiara Resort - Norazmi Omar. 2006.
Employees' perception as recipient to change in Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMHE) - Subashini Kulasingam. 2007.
Muslim customer satisfaction and preference of Islamic banks in Malaysia : a case study in consumer financing - Azanil Putra Yussof. 2006.
Relationship of performance with services promotion through internet : an empirical study of Malaysia service companies - Norazlina Mohd Yasin. 2005.
Wealth effect of Islamic bond offering announcement - Nasyra Ab. Jamil. 2007.
Integrated water resources management approach for groundwater in Langat River Basin- Keong Chee Sheng. 2007.
Industrial Training report on comparison of wireless technology vs hardwired network in Polytechnic Seberang Perai and the reliability of web application system towards the Polytechnic management - Sheila Mahalingam. 2006.
Relationship between customer care and business volume : the case of Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur- Sudeep Salil Chatterjee. 2006.
Home access control and surveillance system - Parasathy Daivasigamani. 2006.
School student discipline system - Chew Sing Liang. 2006.
Development of a database-driven web-based library application - Lena Maizura Basaruddin. 2007.
A review of integrated water resources management in Malaysia - C. Kamalesan Chandrasekaran 2007.
Impact of ajax development framework on web 2 - Alex Lee Hong Sin. 2007.
The effectiveness of science teaching courseware in rural primary schools - Ragu Sinnasamy. 2007.
Web 2.0 software tools practical application for SME - SMI - Janice Tan Siaw Fong. 2007.
Implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) in United Technology (M) Sdn Bhd - Hari Krishnan A. 2006.
Using information technology (IT) as a communication tool in organization - Nur Iza Azani Aziz. 2007.
Industrial training report at IDS Infotech Sdn Bhd - Chong Shu Yaw. 2007.
Optimal Group of Companies : the relationships between job characteristics and employees’ job satisfaction - Mohd Hazimin Zainuddin. 2007.
Musharakah as an alternative Islamic Financing : an exploratory study of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad officers’ perception towards business enterprise - Mohd Fodli Hamzah. 2007.

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