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Essentials of human anatomy & physiology
Posted on 27 October 2011 by Faridah Jumaatud-din (Librarian)

  • Author(s): Elaine N. Marieb
    Publisher: Benjamin Cummings
    ISBN: 9780321707284

    Now in its Tenth Edition, Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology continues to set the standard for short-course A&P texts. Its dramatically updated art program, more streamlined presentation of material, and integration of chapter objectives will help you better visualize and understand the structure and function of the human body. Elaine Marieb's clear and friendly writing style emphasizes the relevance of anatomy & physiology to your life and future career. The book clarifies concepts, defines key terms, and offers just the right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage to make the content complete without being overwhelming.


    Elaine Marieb wrote this book specifically for the one-semester course and continues to carefully select a range of material that proves just right for the shorter course. New information on hot topics like the HPV Vaccine, Infantile Polycystic Kidney disease, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) draws students into the material.


    The book also includes the Essentials of Interactive Physiology®CD-ROM and a Companion Website.


    [Summary from Syndetic Solutions]

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