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E-Learning Successful Elements for Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia
Posted on 10 August 2014 by Shahril Effendi Bin Ibrahim (Senior Librarian)
Authorship Details
Nursyahidah Alias
Zazaleena Zakariah
Nor Zalina Ismail
Mohd Norafizal Abd Aziz
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In this new century, Internet has become an important medium in human life. Widely used of Internet throughout the world, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been a driving force that transforms economic, business, commercial activities and socio-political changes in a borderless world. The changes has affected education sector thoroughly for the last few years. Nowadays, E-learning plays important roles in education institution. E- learning is the delivery of learning, training or education program by electronic means. This new technology involves the use of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone). Through the years, E-learning creates a new paradigm for modern education. However, study shows that there are a numbers of failures when it comes to implementation process of e-learning. Since the model is at the core of any technology in order to meet major challenges and become successful, there is a need to develop appropriate models for E-learning. Thus, to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon, it is vital to focus on emerged models in this area. Questionnaires been distributed to 120 students of Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang in order to identify the important elements of E-learning based on students perceptions. The results been analyzed using SPSS. Study shows there are 10 elements to ensure successfulness of E-learning which are ease of use, appearance, linkage, structure and layout, information, reliability, efficiency, support, communication and security. It is believes that these elements are very important elements in ensuring successfulness of E-learning in higher learning Institutions in Malaysia. (Abstract by authors)
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