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OAsis - COL’s Open Access Repository

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OAsis is the Commonwealth of Learning’s online institutional repository for learning resources and publications. The publications found here are licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 and can be freely downloaded for reuse and adaptation with attribution to COL (exceptions are noted).

COL is an intergovernmental organisation that promotes the development and sharing of open learning and helps Commonwealth Member States and institutions harness the potential of distance learning and technologies for expanding access to education and training.

Open Access

Observatory on Borderless Higher Education

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The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) conducts state-of-the-art research, disseminate best practices, emerging trends, policy frameworks and assessment and quality assurance information; and develop strategic partnerships with public and private universities and organisations for the effective delivery of borderless higher education academic programmes and services. The Observatory's primary purpose is to provide strategic information to enable policy-makers and institutional-organisational leaders to make informed decisions relevant to their existing and/or future transnational higher education initiatives.

Open Access

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration

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The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration is a peer-reviewed electronic journal offered free each quarter over the World Wide Web. The journal welcomes manuscripts based on original work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus or implications for the management of distance education programs.

Open Access

Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies

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The Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies (RIS) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (June and December) begin on year 2022 by the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. Previosly three times a year. RIS welcomes manuscript submissions that cover multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies associated with Islamic studies, which may range from (but not limited to) science, technology, medicine, health, history, geography, philosophy, law, literature, sports, architecture, psychology, language, education, environment, humanities, sociology, ethics, and comparative studies.

Open Access

Open Textbook Library (eBook)

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Open textbooks are textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed. These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality. These books can be downloaded for no cost, or printed at low cost. All textbooks are either used at multiple higher education institutions; or affiliated with an institution, scholarly society, or professional organization.

Open Access


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OpenStax publish high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are free online and low cost in print. It also developed a low-cost, research-based courseware that gives students the tools they need to complete their course the first time around, and a new online math homework system with step-level feedback. 

Open Access

OUM i-Repository

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Open University Malaysia Knowledge Repository aims to store and collect research output, publications, speeches and newspaper clippings related to Open University Malaysia. The repository contains a growing collection of literature from the University.

Open Access

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Latest updated: 23th July 2013

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