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Lee, Nagarajah and Chung , Han Tek and Rahmah Hashim, and Lim, Tick-Meng (2011) The relationship between persistence, academic engagement and academic achievement among post graduate students of OUM. Project Report. Open University Malaysia (OUM). (Unpublished)
Lim, David C. L. (2011) Agency and the Pedagogy of Japanese Colonialism in Tan Twan Eng's The Gift of Rain. Critique, 52 (2). pp. 233-247.
Lim, Tick-Meng and Widad Othman, and Woo, Tai-Kwan and Safiah Md Yusof, and Halimatolhanin Mohd Khalid, (2011) Evaluation of OUM's Web-Based HTML Modules from the Theoretical and Practical Perspective towards proposing an Improved Model. Project Report. -. (Unpublished)
Widad Othman, and Lim , Tina Swee Kim and Cik Norazlina Mohamad, and Shawira Abu Bakar, (2011) Impact Study on OUM's PISMK graduates (Bachelor of Teachership) (March 2010 Graduates). Project Report. Open University Malaysia (OUM). (Unpublished)
Zoraini Wati Abas, (2011) Ubiquitous Learning for the 21st Century: Implications for Higher Education. In: Global Learn Asia Pacific Conference (Global Learn 2011) : Invited Paper , 28 March - 1 April 2011, Melbourne, Australia.