Using information technology as a communication tool in organization (Table of contents and abstract only)

Nur Iza Azani Aziz, (2007) Using information technology as a communication tool in organization (Table of contents and abstract only). Masters thesis, Open University Malaysia (OUM).

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The emergence of the Internet is the fastest compared to other media in the history. It took radio 30 years to reach 60 million people and 15 years for television. In less than 4 years, Internet has expanded fiom basic communication and tool to a medium for interactive market for products, services and ideas reaching more than 90 million people all around the world. Due to the fast growing tool and in today's world environment, there is no arguing about the contributions of Information Technology (IT) towards the organization's efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness. IT is becoming a strategic resource to improve productivity, growth and competitive advantage. It has become the main tool in an organization and the focus of good communication between the management to the staff and between an organization and another. Many organizations use IT as the communication tool as a mean to monitor and control the activities and to motivate managers to act in a way that consistent with the organization's plan. In monitoring this project, two method of planning approach has been selected. The two methods are balance scorecard and logic model which these two are widely use in the organizations. The paper is focusing on the literature study which is picturing the usage and impor&e of IT as a communication tool in organizations. (Author's abstract)

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: Project paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master in Business Administration.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Information Technology, communication tool.
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Depositing User: Shahril Effendi Ibrahim
Date Deposited: 08 Dec 2009 04:53
Last Modified: 18 Jul 2013 07:46

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