Multimedia University (MMU)


EBSCOhost : The Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase

The Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase ("SMART Imagebase") created by Nucleus Medical Art, provides a comprehensive collection of downloadable medical illustrations and animations. Ideal for students and teachers of Anatomy, Physiology, Biology and other Life Sciences, SMART Imagebase contains medical illustrations, animations, and interactive multimedia for 24 body systems/regions and 20 medical specialties.

This database contains a growing collection of over 20,000 high quality illustrations and animations depicting anatomy, physiology, surgery, pathology, diseases, conditions, trauma, embryology, histology, and other medical topics. Content is peer-reviewed by graduate level medical illustrators and expert-reviewed by physicians.

SMART Imagebase also contains non-English content. The 100 most popular anatomy and physiology illustrations in the database have been translated into additional languages (more than 500 records each for Spanish and Portuguese). In total, 13 non-English languages are now covered in the SMART Imagebase. Non-English content is accessed using a language browse feature on the left navigation inset.

EBSCOhost : MEDLINE with FullText

This authoritative database provides full text for journals indexed in MEDLINE, most of which include cover-to-cover indexing. These top journals cover a wide range of subjects within the biomedical and health fields containing information needed by doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development.

MEDLINE with Full Text contains full text for many of the most used journals in the MEDLINE index - with no embargo. With coverage dating back to 1949 and full-text back to 1965, MEDLINE with Full Text is an essential research tool for medical literature.